RNSG 2414 - Integrated Care of the Patient with Complex Health Care Needs (Nursing 3)

Application of clinical reasoning process and clinical judgment to provide comprehensive nursing care to diverse patients and families across the life span with complex health care needs including, but not limited to, complex childhood/adolescent diseases, complicated perinatal care, acute mental illness, complex perioperative care, complex adult health problems and health issues related to aging. Emphasis on tertiary disease prevention, health maintenance/restoration and collaboration with members of the interdisciplinary health care team. Content includes the roles of the professional nurse and applicable competencies in knowledge, judgment, skills, and professional values within a legal/ethical framework.

Grade Basis: L
Credit hours: 4.0
Lecture hours: 4.0




  • A grade of “C” or better is required to progress to Nursing 4 courses.
  • Must be taken in sequence as listed in degree plan.